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Javascript setTimeout, the parameters no one uses

Old timer

Javascript setTimeout function takes more than just 2 arguments but not a lot of people talk about its variadic nature. This article will reintroduce you to javascript’s setTimeout function and what variadic functions are.

If you have conjured any form of javascript timer or done any asynchronous programming, you would have come across the setTimeout function. Typically, it takes a function as the first argument and timeout number as the second to say the least. Often, this signature is the one you see the most. So far so good.

Here is what I just said in code.

setTimeout(() => window.scrollTo(0, 0), 2000);

Okay, I said earlier that setTimeout was variadic. So what exactly is a variadic function. A variadic function is a function that takes an indefinite number of arguments. Yeah that is it πŸ˜…. There are some variadic functions in javascript, A lot of which you use every πŸ˜„. console.log, Array.of, Array.concat, Object.assign, and of course setTimeout to name a few. If you had to write a signature for this type of function it would look something like this.

declare function iAmVariadic(...args: unknown[]): unknown;

Okay that was a bit of a tangent but the bright side is we know a variadic function when we see one πŸ˜‰.

What makes setTimout variadic

setTimeout accepts any number of arguments after the commonly known ones and thus variadic. Here is a typescript declaration expressing what I mean.

declare function setTimeout(
  handler: Function | string,
  timeout?: number,
  ...arguments: unknown[]
): number;

And yes you read correctly, the first argument can be of type string. The string literal is compiled and executed similar to what eval does. Shocking ay.

Often I see people create throwaway lambda/functions which wraps their handler. Here is a piece of code that resets scroll position after x number of milliseconds.

  () => window.scrollTo({ top: 0, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }),

I did not talk about the what ...arguments was in the declaration above. You might have guessed it. The is passed to the handler as arguments in the order they are specified.

setTimeout(window.scrollTo, 2000, {
  top: 0,
  left: 0,
  behavior: 'smooth',

// Or
setTimeout(window.scrollTo, 2000, 0, 0);

After 2000 milliseconds, window.scollTo is called with the arguments specified. Shiny right ?. Any number of arguments can be passed following the timeout parameter. This can a little weird to get used to.

If you are using typescript, It is important to know that typescript does not statically check the arguments list passed after the timeout parameter. You essentially lose every type checking.

function println(arg1: number, arg2: number) {
  console.log(arg1, arg2);

println(); // ❌ Invalid number of arguments, expected 2
println(1, 'string'); // ❌ Argument of type "string" is not assignable to type number.
println(1, 1); // βœ…

setTimeout(println, 0, 1, 'string'); // πŸ€” Typescript has no clue

Alright now that you know about the variadic nature of setTimeout, cut back on throwaway functions will you πŸ˜ƒ. Until next time folks, stay curious

Hero image by James Sutton

Published on November 2019